Semi-mature cheese, from cow’s milk. Harmonious and sweet taste. Mini Muccarolo is a semi-mature cheese with a delicate and harmonious taste, made from cow’s milk. Its compact and slightly chalky paste, ivory in colour, offers...
Semi-mature cheese, from cow’s milk. Harmonious and sweet taste. Mini Muccarolo is a semi-mature cheese with a delicate and harmonious taste, made from cow’s milk. Its compact and slightly chalky paste, ivory in colour, offers...
Piccolo formaggio a latte misto, stagionato con bacche di ginepro, dal sapore intenso e bilanciato. Il Mini Gino è un piccolo formaggio dalla personalità vivace, arricchito dalle bacche di ginepro che conferiscono al suo impasto...
Small, semi-matured black pepper cheese, made from cow’s and sheep’s milk. Pepper is a spice that comes from distant lands and for centuries has brought exceptional flavours to the tables of Europe’s noble courts. Thanks...
Small, semi-matured chilli cheese made from cow’s and sheep’s milk. Red chilli pepper crumbs give Mini Fuochino a strong flavour and just the right amount of pungency. It is a small, semi-matured cheese, created from...
Small, semi-matured cheese with truffle flakes, made from cow’s and sheep’s milk. A combination of exquisite flavours: this is our Mini Tartufaio, a jewel born from the union of cow’s and sheep’s milk, enriched with...
Small, semi-matured cheese, slightly smoked, made from sheep’s milk. The ancient technique of preservation by smoking with spiced and fragrant woods gave meat, fish and cheese a classic, unique smoky aroma. Mini Affumicato is a...
Small, semi-matured cheese bathed in Sangiovese red wine, made from sheep’s milk. In autumn, nature is painted in warm, nuanced colours. The ripe bunches of red grapes inspired farmers to create a cheese ‘drunk’ in...
Small, semi-matured cheese ripened with olive twigs made from sheep’s milk. Mini Ulivo is born from a slow ripening process where the cheeses rest in special containers wrapped in fragrant, freshly cut olive branches, turning...
Small, semi-matured cheese with walnut leaves, made from sheep’s milk. Mini Nocerino is the custodian of ancient traditions, which we want to preserve through time. It is a small cheese made of sheep’s milk, with...
Small black, semi-matured cheese, made from sheep’s milk. Mini Nerone is the ideal cheese for those who love delicate flavours. The name refers not to the Roman Emperor Nero, but to its dark rind, which...